One Piece Episode 1092: Kurohige's Appearance and the Threat of the Heart Pirates

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After a week of waiting, Anime One Piece was released again. In episode 1091, Egghead is where Dr. Vegapunk conducts research. 

In that episode, one of Vegapunk's satellites, Atlas, reappeared. Atlas shows how sophisticated the technology is in Egghead. One of them is an automatic cooking machine. 

Well, in episode 1092, there are three interesting things that become a big plot in this episode. 

The appearance of former CP9

In this episode, a number of former CP 9 members such as Rob Lucci and Kaku reappeared. Previously, in Arc Water 7 and Enies Lobby, CP 9 became the main enemy of the straw hat crew. 

Lucci and Kaku who came to Egghead had a special mission to kill Dr. Vegapunk. Lucci still assumes that this mission has something to do with the disappearance of the Lulusia Kingdom. 

Kaku has also obtained information related to Dr. Vegapunk who has six satellites with different characters.

The author personally sees Dr. Vegapunk's ability to have satellites like the character Father in Full Metal Alchemist who created seven homonculus characters. 

Even so, the presence of Lucci and Kaku will have a big effect on this arc. Including there will be a rematch between Kaku and Zoro. 

Bonney's relationship with Kuma

In this episode it is revealed that Kuma is Bonney's father. From the start, Bonney did come to Egghead for revenge because Vegapunk had turned his father into a cyborg and a living weapon. 

This fact was known by Bonney when he infiltrated Marijoa in the Reverie event. Where at that time Kuma became a calestial dragon slave who lost consciousness. 

Since meeting Luffy at Egghead, Bonney has also stated his intention to kill Vegapunk. In episode 1092, Bonney finally met with Kuma. 

When they were about to split up, Luffy felt something and it was Kuma's pacifista on duty. Luffy considers it a threat and asks Bonney, Chopper, and Jinbe to run. 

On the other hand, Bonney is still devastated to see Kuma who has changed completely. Luffy then tried to attack Kuma with his fists. 

However, Bonney stopped Luffy. That's where Bonney said that Kuma was his father. And of course Luffy was surprised. 

But, Kuma has lost consciousness. He's just a robot who can't tell anyone apart, including Bonney. Pacifista Kuma doesn't even hesitate to attack Bonney.

Bonney, who was still hurt by the fact, just stayed silent and didn't dodge the attack. Luffy then tried to save her. 

Kuma's attack was so powerful that part of Egghead Island was destroyed. 

Kurohige's appearance 

While the incident between Kuma and Bonney was happening, on the other side of the sea, the liver pirates were facing a major threat. 

After facing a tough opponent in Wano, namely Big Mom, Law and crew had to deal with Yonko Kurohige. 

Kurohige appeared right in front of Law's ship and his crew who almost had demon fruit abilities. Law himself instructed his men not to run in the face of the great threat in front of them. 

Kurohige is indeed very obsessed with the devil fruit. He even intends to steal Hancock's devil fruit., from the meeting, it looks like there will be a big battle between Law's pirate crew and Yonko Kurohige.

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